Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ghost hunting?

I wonder if it requires a hunting license that can purchased from Cabela's. Okay, not really. This intertem, I'm taking a class called Ghosts in Fact & Fiction. And it is sick. We've been split into groups and have been told to go hunt these bad boys. Straight-up Ghostbusters style. I just want this assignment to be LEGIT. I've been trying to research the location in Lincoln that we'll be stomping tomorrow night. . . to no avail.  I think I've delved through all of what the internet has to offer on the location. Yup, it's by a church in Lincoln. That's the extent of what I've researched. But I've compiled some interview questions that I'm hoping to ask the occupant of the location. I'm looking forward to some stories of experiences from someone who has actually lived there. It'll be sweet. I've also bought a red-lensed flashlight, electrical tape, and a ghost hunting note book. I'm just pumped about it. Saturday evening, 10 pm, I'll be hunting ghosties. I wonder if TAPS is looking for someone to fill a position. . .

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Crocheting Like a Champ

In honor of the season premier of Jersey Shore, I completely destroyed the sacred art of crocheting. Whatever. Worth it.

I love interterm. You get to come back to good ol' Doane after DCC, hang out with the suiteys, hunt ghosties for a class, go to track practice (wait. . . what?), and crochet like it's nobody's business. The past week I've been back, I've completed a pair of purple and grey slippers, which, by the way, I'm completely stoked about. I'm working on a popcorn-stitch cowl scarf (almost done). And that darn afghan is still incomplete. I just want you all to know that I have rekindled my love for yarn. And knots. And having crochet hooks in my hair. Yup, I'm living the dream in Crete. The pictures of my completed projects will come at a later date, but these are the colors I've been working with:
Afghan Colors. It's one big granny square.

Slipper Colors. Again, a bunch of granny squares.

Cowl Scarf color. It's so great.

I hope you're all excited to see them complete. May God bless you this glorious interterm day.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Oh, Me of Little Faith

Well, I'm at it again. This past semester/year/21 years/whatever, I've been spectacularly douche-tacular. I try to make things happen when it's OBVIOUSLY not time for it to happen. God has just really been stretching me in my patience and trust in Him, because I know that His plan for me is perfect and awesome, and if I accept Jesus, who sacrificed Himself on the cross to pay for my blatant stupidity, I can experience His plan in whole. But will I give up my crap? Oh, of course not because I'm stubborn and don't want to get hurt by having that immeasurable faith in the only One who deserves it. Do I want to? With every ounce of my being. Perhaps I will. By that I mean I want someone to hold me accountable. (So, if/when you see me being an idiot, call me out.)

God just wants what's best for me in order to grow closer to Him. Something that I learned over this Christmas break (@ DCC) was that a person's walk with the Lord isn't always a joyous walk. There isn't anywhere the Bible that says once you give your life over to Jesus everything will fall into place. Having faith isn't always easy, or pain-free, for that matter. As a Christian, you will experience heart break, physical ailments, let-downs, failed tests, disappointments, bad bosses, traffic tickets, and the most amazing joy in the history of everything: knowing and having a relationship with Jesus Christ. My negativity may not be the most effective way to evangelize, but it's true. Accepting Jesus doesn't turn you into Clark Kent. That's not how it works. Letting Jesus work through you by surrendering everything eventually makes the tough stuff easier to deal with. But it's all a part of His infinite plan. God is a sovereign and merciful King, and we must trust Him to provide the gift to be able to discern what He's trying to teach us through the hardships. Then, in turn, He will bless you, whether in this lifetime or in heaven. I'm just looking forward to seeing where He leads me next. . .