Thursday, March 31, 2011

My communist dialect brings all the Christian boys to the yard.

I wish (ACTS 2, just sayin').  It's been a while since I've blogged. I suppose I should update you on how awesome I've been (again, I wish). Not much has been going on with me personally, but I'm just asking all of you to pray for my Grandma if you get the time. Anything is appreciated. And GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS. (:

So, my first track meet is on Saturday. Can't say that I'm completely prepared for it. Not that I'm unprepared, but just not as ready as I should be. Like the fact that I don't have a jersey. Or real javelin shoes. Or my mark. Not like any of those things would really help me. Whatev. It'll just be an experiment this weekend, I guess.

Hope you have a glorious day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thoughts on a Perfectly Dreary Day

Today smells like ozone, cows, and remorse. That's what I get for living in Nebraska. I'm hoping the rain comes soon to wash away the stupid I've been clinging to for so long. Okay, I'm not exactly clinging; I'm just not pushing it away. I just woke up with a bad feeling in my stomach, like the feeling you get when you realize half of your exes are engaged. Okay, not really, but it's one of those punched-in-the-gut feelings which can be very similar to a lot of people. And by all accounts, it has been a good day. I got 3 papers back, and of all of them I'm very comfortable with my grade. I just feel some impending doom lurking overhead, which, of course, makes me a nervous wretch that nobody wants to be around. And honestly, I've hit the point where I just don't want to hurt anymore. I've put up with this for nearly 2 years, and you'd think that I'd have it under control. Oh, the joys of poor health and the literal achy heart. The arrival of the rain has been so prolonged. I just need this symbolic baptism, washing away the old, clearing the way for the new. I'm sick of feeling this way. I just want God to disencumber this area of my life. It's all in His will, though, so I'll continue being patient.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Compilation of Unfortunate Ideas That Seemed to Make Sense at the Time.

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Oscar Wilde

You may say that now, Mr. Wilde, but you don't know what I've just been through. Today's been one of those days, you know? Where nothing rolls in your favor and everyone and their dog is out to get you. Perhaps I'm being a little melodramatic and paranoid. Regardless of my paranoia, things haven't been working out too well for me these past 18 hours. Let me lay this all out for you:

  1. Stayed up until 2 staring at my ceiling. Not sure why, maybe I was afraid it wouldn't be there when I woke up. I don't think my ceiling would just bail on me on a Sunday night.
  2. Hit snooze, like, 20 times.
  3. Once I finally woke up, as I was attempting to crawl out of my loft, I fell. And not just a slip, I fell and ate it hard. In the process, I'm pretty sure I pulled a hip flexor.
  4. Took the longest shower I ever could. Resulted in me being late to class.
  5. Didn't read the short story for Environmental Lit. gag.
  6. [This one wasn't actually my doing] Brad Johnson ruined the end of Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury for me. I might as well not finish it.
  7. Didn't go to my drawing class. Whatev.
  8. Got caught up one I'm helpless against cute animals and witty captions.
  9. According to, Bassnectar sucks and I listened to him today. We all know that what pitchfork says is truth.
  10. Admitted to being a Royals fan. . . wait a second.
  11. Eating in the caf at dinner today. Not even worth it.
  12. Accidentally hit on some poor, defenseless skinny-guy. That was probably terrifying for him. So, anonymous skinny-guy, I'm sorry.
  13. Listened to Rebecca Black's song "Friday."
  14. Was 15 minutes late to practice. Oops.
  15. Listened to "Friday" again in hopes that it could be better. It wasn't.
  16. Failed to follow through at all during practice.
  17. Touched sweaty Brad's face while he was doing abs. Awful. AWFUL.
  18. Mixed a protein shake in a mason jar. It looked like baby puke in that jar and it became even more less appealing than it normally is.

That's as far as I've made it. I'll keep you posted on the rest of my misfortunes. Through all of this, however, I have maintained a joyful attitude because this is a day the Lord has made, so I will rejoice and be glad in it! Hope you're having a quacktastic day.

Habakkuk 3:18
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.