Monday, November 15, 2010

Eau de Dog Food

It was a dark and stormy night. . . okay, not really. But it was rainy. So, naturally, my roomie Mairin and I went to the most happening place in town, Walmart. We meandered around the store for a while, and I noticed the Christmas decorations. Of course, I couldn't avoid them, so I moseyed over and did my business. I have failed to mention the giant Huskers tent imposing on my Christmastime splendor. It was huge, obnoxious, but most of all, Nebraska-y. If you know me at all, I'm not a UNL fan. Let's face it, I'm the worst Nebraskan out there (BOOMER SOONER). But I digress, remember how I mentioned Mairin my  roomie?
Yeah, her. She was filled to the brim with piss and vinegar that night. And she vocalized her opinion about that stupid tent. After I picked up my yuletide gems, we were leaving and walked under said stupid tent, manuvered around a group of nicely dressed people (which I thought was weird, it's a Walmart for pete's sake) and Mairin practically yells "That tent smell like dog food." I look at the fancy-pants standing around us and chuckled. I however did not know the hilarity of the situation at this point. Once we got up to the check out, a voice comes over the intercom and says, "Eric Crouch will be signing autographs in this section of the store under a Huskers tent." Mairin said that Eric Crouch's tent smelled like dog food. And we all remember Eric Crouch. Husker Heisman winner that retired from the NFL after a couple of weeks [PANSY]. Now he installs scoreboards. Good job, Mr. Crouch.

The most important part of the night was what I bought. How freaking cute are these? And the best part about my purchase is that Eric Crouch watched me hem and haw about this for a good 5 minutes.
Hope you're having an awesome day.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! That picture makes me look like a weirdo.........

    I know what you're thinking.
